Earth Wombyn® LLC

6-Week Master Class

New class begins November 14. There are still openings. Register below.

Alchemy of Light

Tools to Shift, Transform and Expand Your Consciousness

This course includes:

  • 6 live stream master classes

  • 12+ hours on-demand video (replays of the live streams)

  • Access on mobile and TV

  • Assignments

  • Invitation to a Facebook group for continued support and community of like-minded masters

  • 33.33% discount for any future classes offer by EarthWombyn, LLC


 MasterClass Dates

Thursdays, from 7-9pm CST

23rd and 30th September

7th, 14th, 21st, 28th October


Total cost US 266.64 (44.44 per class date)

6-Week Master Class

Alchemy of Light

Tools to Shift, Transform and Expand Your Consciousness

Course Opens Soon - Register Now

Click Here

Alchemy of Light Master Class

Tools to Shift, Transform and Expand Your Consciousness

Alchemy in its truest sense includes all forms of alchemy. Light alchemy deals with inner transformation. Light alchemy works in the same lines of chemical alchemy. But, it has more to do with the inner transformation. The goal of light alchemy is to attract spiritual and physical abundance in one’s life.
This light shift in consciousness program I am offering you has been channelled and developed from many experiences. I deliver it to you in an easy to grasp format so you may work with the information straight away. Whether you are new to the light codes and expansion pathway or have been practicing for some time there is something here for you.
Light alchemy is all about discovering oneself. It delves in the path of uncovering the truth. The truth about the soul, cosmos, and nature. Light alchemy is about letting go of one’s redundant qualities. It is about embracing one’s highest self and Intelligence. At the apex of all of this is you. You are the Gold. Finding the Gold is finding yourself. The key to finding yourself is remembrance. That is where I come in; the light codes and I will assist you in remembering who you are.
Thus, at its core, light alchemy is about self-development. It is about transforming oneself without undergoing the painful processes of life. Yes, it is about finding gold. But, here the gold is realizing one’s full potential.
In the old ways, purification is the core aspect of alchemy. It is about refining oneself to perfection by undergoing painful transformation. We are long past the days of the need to suffer to raise our consciousness and light quota. That “truth” was always the “deception”. You can make that alchemical transformation without the pain.

What you'll learn

  • How a Light Alchemist transforms each area of life to be in alignment with Who you are; Why you’re here; and Where you’re going.
  • Become skilled in connecting to your higher intelligence bringing positive change for inner spiritual development
  • Healers (massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, etc) will find this information valuable in being able to be more present with your clients and transmuting any energy that has leaked over to you
  • How to approach your health differently discovering new ways to take care of your emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical life to create greater harmony, health and wellbeing
  • How to develop your ability to overcome unwanted emotions, limiting thought patterns and unhelpful attitudes or habits
  • Your own connection to the Language of Light and how it can assist you in everything that you do
  • Health benefits of a balanced way of living and healing: You will be working toward rebuilding your spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental health.
  • How to take control of your life and begin living with more purpose and intentionality and spirituality, rather than reacting to circumstances.
  • You will be able to think clearer, sleep better, feel better, and feel fewer negative emotions.
  • Use these ancient techniques, tools, and exercises to help restore your connection to nature and your higher self.
  • Understand your connection to other life forms such as animals, minerals, and elements.
  • When you somehow know there is more to life than meets the eye, it’s difficult to find happiness and freedom in life playing by 3-dimensional rules of the game.
  • Create foundations for effective, safe intentional journeying that you can apply as you awaken more fully to the sacred dimension
  • Connect with your spirit teachers & other guides, unseen allies who you can continue to access for advice, healing, and support
  • Become more embodied, whole, and empowered, living in greater attunement with your body and the needs of those around you
  • Learn how to breathe the spirit of love and beauty in your daily life. Perceive through your heart and mind at the same time.
Join me today as I have shared with and instructed people around the world in core spirituality and self-improvement, knowing, and skills for personal use; sharing and working with clients professionally. You are in loving, safe hands when you choose to enter this initiatory self-improvement path with me. Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations and meals — which would cost thousands of dollars). You’ll also be able to benefit from teachings and practices from the comfort of your home — at your own pace! Win, win.

Together We Will Create A Sacred Virtual Community to

Serve Us And All Who Stand Here With Us

I will be here guiding, sharing, activating and facilitating you all here in our sacred light community. Each of you has a responsibility as a co-creator. The nature of co-creation is one where every person brings their consciousness, commitment, love and full intention in our sacred light space for personal development and group elevation. And together we raise our vibrations into a greater, more powerful light quota that can be done alone. You are already here in our sacred light space.

Galactic light practices are not for the liberation of just one person, they are for the sacred spiritual healing of entire communities. Your healing becomes the healing of those you love as you gain skill and experience in expanded pathways personal practice.

· Everyone here will be working on your behalf to support your health, spiritual wellbeing, and success. This is deep spiritual healing that we create together as one breath, one heartbeat.

· Experience has shown that our physical presence is not required for spiritual healing and transformation to take place. Light moves no matter our location. This makes the internet a very powerful portal to work with.

· As you experience this, you’ll not only benefit from their direct transformational power but also gain insights into how you can activate similar fields with your loved ones and community.

This visual state-of-the-art transformational spiritual healing program engages you in the core essential practice of Soul Expansion. It will assist you in accessing the unseen allies and hidden dimensions that are here offering help for us all. Along this ancient but new pathway, you will discover great wisdom and spiritual healing power that you may integrate into every aspect of your life to a pathway of direct revelation. It can bring us all home to our highest self; assisting all of the beings present in our wonderful world as together we are fostering a soul-aligned way of living on this star planet we call Mother Earth that truly benefits all.

As your consciousness and light quota raises in vibration, you bring others with you.

We have an active Facebook community so you may reach out and assist each other. The details of how to join it are in your welcome message when you purchase the course. This pathway of original light knowledge beats strongly within us all.

If you're already a healer in any modality (massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, etc) you'll be able to quickly apply and integrate these practices in your own life and work with them to provide healing to others.

This knowledge engages you in a quest for a deeper, broader vision of who you truly are. These exercises are intended to help you to become a person of confidence and wisdom in your lifetime. I use a variety of ancient practices to assist the pathway. There is an abundance of helpful practice activities and transmissions of light throughout the course to motivate and assist your personal development.